Monday, December 15, 2008

What Makes An Expat Want to Remain in Italy?

I am not sure what percentage of people who move to Italy, actually remain in the "bel paese." I always suggest to those wanting to move to Italy, to try living in Italy temporarily, before quitting their job or selling their house in their home country. Why? For the simple reason that vacationing in Italy is much different than actually living in Italy. When you are on vacation, you don't have to deal with the majority of things you have to face on a daily basis when living in Italy. I assume this is the case for any country you move to. Vacation is bliss no matter where you go.

I thought deep and hard about what makes an expat want to remain in Italy and I believe it comes down to this: remains when expectations are met or are surpassed and/or remains when discovers new positive features in the country he/she moved to

I am sure there a zillions of more reasons people remain but the two that stand out are these.

For instance I was thinking of how lucky I am in my little town to be able to always park pretty much anywhere I want. Even if I am illegally parked in front of the bakery, the street police or vigile know I am getting my ciabatta for the day and will quickly move my car. Or when I illegally park because it is raining and I have to get as close to the school entrance as possible, otherwise my little angel will get wet. It seems the street police have unwritten rules of what we can do and not do under certain circumstances. Well all these are new positive features of Italy that I discovered while living here. Now I don't know if I can handle a normal parking situation in my home country where I do have to abide by the law...all the time.

Also you get spoiled when you live in Italy and certain extras become necessities like espresso coffee at the bar, fresh bread at the bakery, afternoon nap if possible, sleepy Sundays with great lunches, views of rolling hills and olive groves.

So it is difficult to say what exactly makes an expat want to remain in Italy but it has something to do with the positives outweighting the negatives at least for the time being!

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