Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Extracurricular Activities for Children in Italy

Many parents have asked me about what activities are available for children in Italy. I can speak of my area which I know of first hand. The larger cities of Florence, Rome and Milan have many activities for children.

In Chiusi and the surrounding areas there is nothing similar to what we have at home in the USA like My Gym or Gymboree which are classes for the toddlers and Pre K children that mix group exercise with play and following instructions in a fun enviornment. There is nothing available for the under 4 crowd in Chiusi but once they do turn 4 then there are activities available: sports, music, dance. The most popular athletic courses are swimming, soccer, judo followed by tennis and volleyball for the older kids. There is one woman who offers piano lessons in the neighborhood and there is one dance class in Chiusi. The best way to find out about courses is through the town hall (comune) of the town you will be staying in or moving to. Also get to know other parents of your town since word of mouth is still the best way to find reliable, fun, safe activities for your children. I have found that referrals is still the best way to go especially in small towns.

There is a wonderful website I have found that offers all kinds of information for children and activities. It is It is divided by region and gives great tips about raising children in Italy and much much more. For instance, I have found that a trip to Florence is well worth the visit. There are two museums for children that I know of that are cited on the site: Institute and Museum of the History of Science and Museo Ragazzi (children’s museum).

I know that there is a lot more out there and I will keep my eyes and ears open to keep you posted on what I personally find.

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